


Research Projects

List of research projects for June 2017

Department of Occupational Therapy

Reiko Kawamoto
  1. House modification for handicapped persons
  2. Community based rehabilitation
Shinsuke Watanabe Clinical application of a Occupational-Science knowledge for Occupational-Focused-Practice
Naoko Uehara Development of an observational checklist for the evaluation of behaviors associated with higher brain dysfunction
Takuya Ishimaru
  1. Utilization of aromatherapy in rehabilitation
  2. Rehabilitation at the terminal stage of cancer
Takahiro Hamamoto Communication support for patients with intractable neurological diseases

Department of Physical Therapy

Satoru Yamamoto
  1. Molecular Mechanism underlying Pathological Pain
  2. Analgesic Effects of Magnetic Field Stimulation for Chronic Pain
Akihiro Fujii
  1. Study of Stroke Assessment
  2. Therapeutic action of LSVTR BIG for Parkinson’s disease
  3. Instructional methods of clinical practice
Haruko Kage
  1. Elderly health promotion
  2. PT/OT Education
Sanae Matubara Physical therapy for the long-term care
Yuji Shimamoto Research of the palliative rehabilitation of the physical therapists in connection with the end term cancer patient hospitalized in the palliative care unit
Yoshinori Kato Support for Para-Sports