


Internationally Affiliated Schools

Globalization is common in all fields of science and applied science. Health care and allied health including rehabilitation are no exceptions. Since initiating our college in 2003, we have attempted to establish good relationships with counterparts in overseas countries such as Canada, Korea, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam.
As described below, the YIC Rehabilitation College has currently established academic exchange agreement relationships with internationally affiliated schools.

Name of School The Catholic University of Pusan
Counterpart Department Department of Physical Therapy
Location Pusan, KOREA
Established date May 9, 2005
Name of School The Choonhae College of Health Sciences
Counterpart Department Department of Occupational Therapy
Location Ulsan, KOREA
Established date October 28, 2009
Name of School University of Saskatchewan
Counterpart Department Department of Physical Therapy
Location CANADA
Established date November 18,2014
Name of School Eastern International University
Location Binh Duong New City, VIETNAM
Established date November 24, 2014

In addition to these schools, our college has close relationships with professionals in many overseas institutes such as the University of British Columbia (Canada), the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), the University of Toronto (Canada), Bromarajonani College of Nursing (Thailand), Chiang Mai University (Thailand), Ewha Womans University (Korea), Indiana University (USA), Creighton University (USA), Samuel Merritt University (USA), and the University of Texas (USA).

International Projects

We have implemented various international exchange programs within our school as well as in foreign schools.

1.Exchange programs at our school
Every year, we invite a few professionals from overseas institutes. Simultaneously, we also invite professors and students from Korean schools, so that we can have joint lectures and exchange programs. Our students’ families host these Korean students.
2.Overseas study tour program
We have visited universities overseas and established exchange programs with occupational therapy and physical therapy departments.
3.English course by native instructors at Eastern International University of Vietnam
This program is supported by the “Study Abroad Support System” offered by the Japanese Student Services Organization. In this program, our exchange students may receive scholarship support.